1. What is the myth of leadership?
It is the set of assumptions that justify the significance we place on our concept of leadership and the privileges we bestow upon our leaders – frequently to the detriment of others in our organizations. The myth of leadership creates the powerful belief that only a relatively few “gifted” individuals can be made leaders and so trusted to make the decisions and do the commanding and controlling of everyone else. It makes false assumptions about both leaders and followers with detrimental consequences for both. The myth of leadership creates a dichotomy, two categories: one of leaders, a select and privileged few; and the second of followers, the vast majority. So we get the rank-based context of unequal power relationships that produces secrecy, distrust, overindulgence, and the inevitable sacrifice of those below for the benefit of those above. When we use the words “leader” and “leadership,” we immediately create a ranked division of people in ways that do not serve healthy organizational relationships. We waste too much human potential and do not allow life in our organizations to be as joyful, successful, and meaningful as it could be.
2. Don’t we need leaders? Doesn’t someone have to be in charge? How can you run a business, or a community, without a leader?
These questions, and others like them, reveal both a positive intent as well as some hidden assumptions. The hidden assumptions are simply those of the rank-based myth of leadership. It is the mistaken belief that only a few select individuals in any organization or community have either the right or ability to monopolize power and control, to keep secrets and restrict both information and participation in decision-making. We are all aware of the deleterious effects of this rank-based management system. The positive intent is, however, the realization that a management system is required. Obviously, there are certain management functions that need to be performed in our communities and organizations. Things like setting goals and objectives, scheduling work, marshalling resources, solving problems, and making strategic decisions. Many people imagine that these duties can only be performed by some big chief or hierarchic leader. I disagree and present a peer-based model for managing our organizations through peer councils and the practice of rotational leadership.
3. Isn’t leadership important for an organization or community?
When we raise this question, what we really mean, I believe, is that vision, wisdom, competence, teamwork, communication, and similar attributes are important to communities and organizations. What we fail to realize is that our very concept and practice of leadership privilege an elite few and disadvantage the vast majority in a way that creates a context of command and control that works against the very things we desire.
4. Don’t we need strong leadership today?
We need wise people. We need visionary people. We need practical people. We need to be able to harvest the intelligence and strength of every member of our organizations and communities. But I believe that our very concept and practice of leadership immediately selects a small few and ignores the tacit knowledge of the many.
5. Don’t some people have more leadership ability than other people?
The better question is, “Don’t some people have more ability than others do?” Yes, but when we add the adjective, leadership, we introduce the myth of leadership with all its associated bad assumptions. When you drop the “leadership,” you get rid of the connotations that those with fewer abilities should not and cannot participate in and contribute to the management of the organization. It does not diminish the contributions a person with many talents can make, but it does increase the opportunities for many more. Therefore, you open it up for many more to contribute to the success of the company.
The leader who thinks “I am better or superior to those beneath me, so I possess the right and ability to command both information and decision-making. If I need help, I’ll ask those just like me - other superior beings who hold high leadership positions that I gave them.” The person, who believes this, is going to fail.
6. Aren’t you exaggerating, or overestimating, the ability of the vast majority of people?
I believe in our common human capacity for goodness. I believe that each of us possesses remarkable talents to contribute towards the success of our communities and organizations, and we are naturally motivated to use our talents for something larger than ourselves. Rank-based organizations and communities prohibit many from making genuine contribution. I am not saying we are all equal - there is great diversity. As Thomas Aquinas said, “Diversity manifests the perfection of the universe.” What I am saying is that we have historically organized ourselves in rank-based ways that privilege the few over the majority. So the many never have the opportunity to fully develop their skills and abilities, but live less than meaningful and satisfying organizational lives. This time has passed. Peer-based organizations give everyone equal standing in information sharing and participation in decision-making. We will take on different roles and responsibilities. We will have different ambitions, but there will be no artificial barriers that keep anyone from fully contributing to the success of their community or organization. To do this, we need access to information and participation in decision-making.
7. So how do you do it in my community or organization?
There isn’t a textbook, ready-made, off-the-shelf answer to this question. Peer-based organizations, or leaderless communities follow a vernacular not a universalist approach. Meaning – how it will take shape in any particular type of organization or community is in many ways dependent upon the type and nature of the community or organization. Part of the concept is that inherent in every community and organization is the wisdom and competence to make this happen and to apply the assumptions, logic, and practices of peer thinking to each unique situation. It’s not a model you simply superimpose on an organization, but it is a thinking that transforms the community from the inside-out. However, there are important guidelines that need to be understood and followed in creating a peer-based organization. These guidelines are presented in my book. I have also added a post on the fourteen principles of peer-based design.
8. I still don’t buy it. Someone has to be in charge! Everyone can’t be involved in every little decision, can they?
You’re mistaken in assuming that in a peer-based organization no one has specific responsibilities - that it’s just laissez-faire with no direction or control. You’re mistaken in assuming that in a peer-based organization every minor decision must be brought before everyone in some huge committee meeting. It is a false dilemma to think there are only two options. One, either some big chief, hierarchic leader is in charge; or two, no one is in control. A peer-based or leaderless community or organization is managed through the per-based management vehicles of peer councils, rotational stewardship positions and mentors. I have added a post explaining these management vehicles.
9. We tried that before and it didn’t work. Why should we think it will work this time?
Well, you just can’t turn people loose and say “Ok, we’re all peers, now go make it work.” There are certain intellectual skills required that everyone has the ability to develop, but not everyone has had the opportunity to develop. Things like decision-making, problem-solving, strategic thinking, and meeting management. All members of the organization need to develop these skills so they can fully contribute. Some training process is required to make this happen. Here is where the former rank-based leaders can be very helpful. They can adopt a mentoring role and coach others in the development of these important skills.
10. Aren’t there examples of good rank-based leaders?
Of course, the myth of leadership is not an indictment of the individuals who hold leadership positions. This is an attack on the context of rank-based management and the inhumane and nefarious effects on rank-based leaders and followers alike. As Robert Greenleaf and Vaclav Havel have pointed out, the burdens and privileges of rank-based leadership positions have isolating and corrupting influences on the well-being and happiness of the leaders themselves. In my book, I discuss what I call the “catch-22 of rank-based management,” where I try and show the negative effects on the leaders themselves caught in the myth of leadership. Ultimately, however, the argument is that a peer-based organization will be strategically more competitive and successful than its rank-based counterparts will be. Good rank-based leaders will be even more effective as good mentors and coaches to the peer councils in their organizations.
11. So why call them “leaderless organizations?” Can’t we just redefine leaders as something like “peer leaders” and keep the idea of leaders and leadership?
Any conception of leadership that we could come up with will create a dualistic world. I have experienced this in every organization I have consulted. We create a dichotomy, two categories: one of leaders - a select and privileged few; and the second of followers - the vast majority. So you get secrecy, distrust, overindulgence, and the inevitable sacrifice of those below for the benefit of those above. That’s why I have argued for creating peer-based organizations, and the wording here is terribly important. When we use the word “leadership,” we immediately create a relationship of leader and followers, which by its very nature is a relationship of unequal power. Unequal power relationships will always eventually lead to corruption and abuse of power. It produces a privileged elite who, no matter how sincere they are, will eventually be seduced by their position. Vaclav Havel points this out rather well in all of his writings. I define a leaderless organization as an organization of peers. In a peer-based organization, there are ways to perform the functions of management without rank-based leaders and in a manner that evokes the talents and diverse abilities of everyone in the organization.